The ends of the P*B topper are clear.
The new plastic set includes the sign that goes around the beacon, not the
<***> wrote in message news:6aaec133-9b04-4a2b-ae67-***
Thanks Gregg!
Great job - from what I can see of it. Certainly better than it being
broke or missing.
I don't know why you state "the original has clear ends". You can see
from the flyer they're red. I think you meant the other way around -
that your's are clear? Another thing I notice is your sides look
pretty squared up, where the original is slightly tapered or bowed.
Really?? LOL No, I actually thought, from looking at the flyer, that
the original ends were clear... In fact, someone else told me they
were. Mine are the same plexi as the rest of it.
I'm surprised CPR didn't do these when they ran their PB plasitcs.
Esepcially since they're doing the HS beacon to go along with the
plastics set.
-Gregg B.
I noticed that too... and was a little surprised as well. I'm glad
they did the HS one though... I'm hoping to get a HS soon, and now I
know I don't have to worry about the plastics and topper. :)
I'm really hoping there will be some interest in this... I spent a
month looking for a replacement for my topper, and all I could find
was other people looking for one. We'll see...